About Us

This Illinois Urban Manual is intended for use as a technical reference
by developers, contractors, planners, engineers, government
officials and others involved in inspection of soil erosion and
sediment control best management practices on construction
sites in Illinois. This  manual was written and reviewed by
members of the Illinois Urban Manual Technical Review
Committee (TRC) and Steering Committee (SC).

The initiative to update the IUM is a cooperative effort. The
TRC and the SC are actively tasked with the revision of the
manual. The SC is comprised of the following public agencies
representing the entire State of Illinois: AISWCD, IEPA, Soil &
Water Conservation Districts (SWCDs), Illinois Department of
Agriculture-Bureau of Land & Water Resources (IDA-BLWR),
Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT), United States
Army Corp of Engineers Chicago District (USACE), and United
States Department of Agriculture-Natural Resources
Conservation Service (USDA-NRCS). The TRC is comprised of
the above mentioned public agencies in addition to the
following public and private professionals: Illinois Department
of Natural Resources-Office of Water Resources (IDNR-OWR),
environmental consultants and engineers.